Self Help and FAQ

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Please check the sections below for help with common issues.

If you have a problem that you cannot resolve, Submit a Ticket.

Please make sure to include your username. If you have a question about your membership or billing, also include your transaction number or the email address you used when joining, so we can look you up. You must provide your username and password for us to offer assistance.

Note on emailing us: We reply to all emails within 24 hours, usually sooner. If you haven’t seen a reply after emailing us twice — we might miss the occasional email, so sending it a second time is advisable — please check your Junk or Spam folder; our replies are likely going there. You can also add the domain “dreamboystudio.com” address in your “to” line to your address book, which should keep our replies in your inbox.


Membership Questions

You have been blocked by our security system for one of two reasons:

  1. You typed in the wrong username and password 10 times.
    How to solve the problem:
    • Wait one hour; the system will automatically unblock you.
    • Make sure you have the correct username and password; it they aren’t working, don’t enter them over and over. See
      “I forgot my username or password” below for quick and easy instructions on how to retrieve your correct username and password.
    • Remember, your username and password are case sensitive.
    • Re-enter both if the “remembered” username and password stored by your computer or browser does not work.
  2. Your username and password has been shared and are being used by several other IP addresses at the same time.
    How to solve the problem:
    • Email us and request a new username and password. Make sure to include your current username and password or we cannot help you.
    • Do not share your username and password or you will be blocked again. Even sharing it with one person will result in your being blocked.

To retrieve your user name or password, click here if you are a CCBill customer, or click here if you are an Epoch customer (our secondary processor for those declined by CCBill), click here if you are a SegPay customer.

Please make sure you have “enabled cookies” on your PC or mobile device, using preferences for your browser or device. In Chrome, for example, click “Chrome” in the browser menu (upper left of your screen), then click “Show advanced settings,” then click the “Content settings” button under “Privacy,” then select “Allow local data to be set” under “Cookies.” To learn how to enable cookies on other browsers or devices, Google search for “How to enable cookies on [your device or browser name] and you’ll be given similar instructions.

To cancel your membership, click here if you are a CCBill customer, or click here if you are an Epoch customer (our secondary processor for those declined by CCBill), click here if you are a SegPay customer.

To change your credit card information, click here if you are a CCBill customer, or click here if you are an Epoch customer (our secondary processor for those declined by CCBill), click here if you are a SegPay customer.

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